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These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC) cancel and replace all previous conditions and prevail over any other document previously issued.


They are systematically sent or given to each user to enable him to place an order.


Consequently, placing an order implies full and unreserved acceptance by buyers of the general conditions of sale, to the exclusion of all other documents such as prospectuses and catalogs issued by the seller, which have no indicative value.


No particular condition can, except formal and written acceptance by B EVENTS, prevail against the general conditions of sale.


Any contrary condition affixed by the buyer will be, in the absence of express acceptance, unenforceable against the B EVENTS agency regardless of the amount when it may have been brought to its attention.


The fact that B EVENTS does not avail itself at a given time of any of these T&Cs cannot be interpreted as a waiver of the right to subsequently avail itself of any of the said conditions.


Orders placed by our customers, as well as their acceptance of any product, entail their unreserved acceptance of the B EVENTS general conditions of sale and the waiver of the conditions which may appear in their order form or any other document. relating thereto and which would be contrary to the present.


Any order, whether transmitted to us by our representatives, or entrusted to us directly by correspondence, telephone, fax, e-mail or any other means, is governed by the conditions of sale below.


Any derogation from these conditions must be the subject of a written agreement from the B EVENT agency, in the absence of which they will be deemed exclusively applicable.







The company B EVENTS always presents an estimate to its customers, upon receipt of the customer's agreement to this estimate, 30% will be requested as a deposit, payment of 40% will then be requested 8 days before the event. and the balance on the day of the event(s), due to the services to be paid by B EVENTS (significant personnel costs). No other method of payment will be accepted, unless previously signed agreement on this point.


The company reserves the right to modify its tariff and the tariff structure at any time according to the evolution of the economic conditions of its costs, and those of its suppliers.


For this, we will announce the new price 20 days in advance, and the customer will have a period of fifteen days to cancel his order.




a) We reserve the right to make changes to our services without prior notice.


The B EVENTS agency always has the right to modify an element in order to improve its service, and without the customer being able to oppose it without this changing the economy of the contract between the parties.


In the presence of artistic performance, the agency remains in control of the show set up and reserves the right to modify this artistic performance, without this changing the economy of the contract between the parties.


b) B EVENTS reserves the right to cancel any operation, if it discovers that the service happens to have political or union implications, irrelevant with animation, entertainment, commercial animations, or if the customer does not respect its legal obligations. The same applies in the event of force majeure : unpredictable strike, bad weather, failure of the place of reception.


In this case, any installments collected by our company will remain definitively acquired by it as first damages by express agreement.


c) The agency will never use the name of the client on any part of its communication without the signed agreement of its client.

And vice versa, unless there is total purchase of the rights by the client.



d) responsability : the customer is responsible for setting up the necessary insurance for these goods and his people, as well as the insurance of the rented place is the responsibility of the customer. The agency only takes out liability insurance for the staff it hires.




The services, concept, ideas relating to the organization of shows, performances or any other, are the exclusive property of B EVENTS, these copyrights can never other than by its express, prior and written agreement, be the object of a transfer.


The assignment of the work produced by our company for the benefit of the client does not in any way entail :


- the transfer of the reproduction rights of this work

- general intellectual property rights

- whether or not it is intended to serve as a brand for the client, and more generally regardless of the destination of this work.


The assignment of the work to the client does not entail the latter's right to modify, alter, transform, change it in whole or in part or in any form whatsoever.


The customer even refrains from employing or using an isolated element of the work he has ordered from our company, the latter forming an indivisible or unalterable whole which does not support any change.


The customer of the company expressly undertakes to respect the property rights of our company, as well as to enforce these with third parties with whom he is in contact.





All operations are set up after acceptance of the estimate, and receipt of 30% deposit, 8 days before the event 40% and the balance on D-Day, due to service providers often linked to significant personnel costs. Other modalities according to previously signed agreement.





In the event of non-performance by the customer of any of its obligations and 10 calendar days after a formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt remained in whole or in part without effect during this period, the orders in progress, in this including those covered by the formal notice, will be resolved automatically and without formality if our company sees fit.


Any installments collected by our company will remain definitively acquired by it as first damages and interest by express agreement.




B EVENTS reserves the right to make the necessary modifications to these general conditions of sale at any time.




B EVENTS guarantees professional secrecy for itself and its service providers, 


B EVENTS does not give any express or implicit guarantee, in particular with regard to the achievement of the objectives that the client has set.


B EVENTS is in no way liable for damages due to the customer's failure to fulfill his obligations and/or immaterial or indirect damages whatever their origin.


In all cases, the financial consequences of B EVENTS' liability are limited to the purchase price of the supplies which will be the cause of the damage or the dispute.


Any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or execution of these conditions will be submitted to the Commercial Court of Tournai, even in the event of a conflict or in the event of a warranty claim, intervention or declaration of joint judgment.


"Elegance: does not mean to catch the eye, but to remain engraved in the memories." 

Giorgio Armani

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         Conditions générales de vente.          © 2020 by B-EVENTS Tournai       Legal Notice. 

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